5 Kasım 2008 Çarşamba

05/11/08- Roman Empire

ROMAN EMPIRE (27 B.C – end of 2nd century A.D)

Augustan Reforms:

His power base:
  • Proconsular power
  • Tribunician poweR

His reforms:
  • in the senate
  • in the administration
  • in the army
  • in social morals
The Roman Emperors:

14 A.D.-69 A.D. (Julio-Claudian dynasty): such as Nero

69-96 (the Flavian dynasty): Vespasian, Titus, Domitian

96-180 (‘Good Emperors’): Trajan, Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius

Expansion of Rome:
Walls of Rome:

Curia (city council) Curia of Rome: the Senate

Roman Cities

Roman Gods:

Household worship
‘Official’ roman gods
Imperial cult
Mystery cults/ Christianity


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