3 Kasım 2008 Pazartesi

31/10/08- Belief Systems & the Philosophy in China


. At the beginning, everybody has access to superior being(s) ShangDi.
. Later, access was severed and only those who controlled the access to Heaven had the wisdom and authority to rule. In other words, rulers controlled access to Heaven.

SHANG KINGS 2000-1100 BC:
. They were like shamans
. Brother to brother succession
. Not a complete centralization
. Supported by vassals
. Situated in the East around Anyang

. Bronze vessels signifying the importance of shamans, priests, diviners and divination related rituals are symbols of Shang rulers.

ZHOU by 1100:
. Arrived from the West to the East
. Settled near the Yellow River and at the Wei River near present Xian.
. Bronze vessels lost their importance as the Shi class gained importancephilosoph
. Rise of Philosophy

Three Center became important:
Before 1100 BCE Anyang in the further east (near present Shandong)
1100- 770 - Xian (Changan) in the west
770- 400 Loyang to the east of Xian (Changan)

Rise of Philosophy:
Dao Dejing by Laozi translated as “Classic of the Way and of Virtue”
. (600 BCE or 3oo BCE)
. a philosophy incorporating native religious traditions

. uses female images for creative power
. Dao Dejing (The Classic of the Way and the Virtue) says¨“Being indicates the mother of 10000 things”; thereby it gives creative powers to the female.
. it advocates harmony and equality of all opposites including male and female
.The principle of Yin-Yang symbolizes these opposites; yin is dark, cold, female, moon; yang is light, hot, male, the sun (remember the equality of opposites)
o Women, water play a significant role in Daosim
o Being weak and the strategy of the weak are methods employed
o Not striving is a virtue
. All this is very significant as Daoism developed within the extremely patriarchal culture of Confucian China.

Confucius lived in Shangdong in the East/ Kingdom of Lu
. 6th century BC
. believed bringing order into the chaos and in virtuous rulers.
. Hierarchy is introduced into the opposites Ying-Yang)/ Yang becomes more important
. 5 relations (four hierarchical relations: ruler-subject; father-son; husband-wife; elder brother-younger brother and one among peers friend-friend)
o women’s subordination
o women were expected to show three obediences: father/ husband/ son
. a philosophy emphasizes;
o education
o self-cultivation
o filial piety- ancestor worship & rituals
o virtue
o refined gentleman
-Confucian teachings have been handed down in what is known as Chinese Classics which became the basis of the examination system

Qin and Han Dynasties:
Qin and Han Dynasties:
. Qin was anti-Confucian, while Han was pro-Confucian
. None were Daoist in their state policy
. All ideas and trends converged into ONE in the state philosophy:
The STATE being ONE centralized entity
incorporated Confucianism
Daoism/ Ying-Yang & other earlier symbols
By the 7th- 8th century Confucianism was part of State Law

Chinese wordview as exemplified in the story of Lady Wenji:
The concept of all under Heaven signifies that a ruler should achieve Harmony All under Heaven, that is to achieve harmony between China and the Foreigners.

Foreigners and China were oppposites like yin and yang. In fact foreigners were regarded as yin while China was yang. In the following story of Cai Wenji (about 195 AD) the following aspects are being emphasized

. Superiority of Chinese civilization over the other cultures (superiority of yang over yin)
. Irreconcilability of the different ways of life
. Fate
. Confucian concept of loyalty to one’s ancestral family and State . Before the 10th century A.D. woemen’s spirit was seen as conected to the natal home; divorce was possible, and women couşld take their dowry back. After the 10thcentury women started to become attached (spiritually) to their husband’s home; divorce was not an alternative anymore. Instead virtuous widows were praissed.

yin is darkness yang is light

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