31 Ekim 2008 Cuma

27/10/08- Rice Culture, Communual Life & Confucian State in China


Lecture Outline:

l. Geography and Climate
2. Rice Agriculture
3. Communal Life
4. Chinese Imperial State and World View
5. Age of Philosophy and Confucius
6. The Two Handles of Government
7. The Solution or Non Solution of Tao
8 The Dynastic Cycle of the Mandate of Heaven

Vocabulary and Dates
Rice Agriculture and Communal Life in Asian History

Huang Ho, Yellow River
Yangtze River
Intensive Labor Agriculture
Communal Life
Mutual Responsibility and Social Harmony

Chinese Imperial State and World View

Shih Huangdi The First Emperor known as the Tiger of Qin
256 b. C. Founding of the Qin (Chin) Dynasty 221-207 B. C. Short lived due to harsh rule.
The Great Wall, The Steppe Nomads (Hsiung Nu/Xiungnu)
Bureaucracy Principle, anti-aristocratic.
Xian, the first imperial capital of the Qin

1- The Army of the First Emperor
2- The Mausoleum of the First Emperor
3- The Terra Cotta Statues of the Army


Han Dynasty 3rd century B. C.-3rd Century A. D. (202 B. C. 220 A. D. ) Comparable to the Roman Empire. Tradition of Imperium. Middle Kingdom. Diplomacy: China as Older Brother to rest of nations who are Younger Brothers.
Confucian Philosophy softens Imperial State Practice.
Ssu Ma Chien, the first Historian of China, Shih chih, The Record of the Grand Historian

Age of Philosophy 6th Century B. C. in China, Greece, and Age of Religious Ferment India the Buddha at the same time!
Confucius, Kongze, 551-479 B. C.
Cultivated Gentleman
11 Main Dynasties follow Chinese Imperial State Tradition of Confucian Philosophy from the Qin all the way to 1911 Chinese Nationalist Revolution that destroyed the dynastic tradition.
Rites and Ceremonies
State Examinations
Forbidden City
The Tomb of Mao Zedong along the Temple of Heaven Axis attests to Dynastic tradition symbolism.

Two Handles of Government: Rewards and Punishments
Legalism, Han Fei ze

Taoism, Lao ze
No government is the best government. Non Being as ideal. Nature as source of Harmony.

Mandate of Heaven
Heaven as power based on principle of Nature and Humanity.

1- The Forbidden City
2- The Great Wall

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