9 Ekim 2008 Perşembe

08/10/08- The Pharaonic Kingdom and the Nile

HIST 105 FALL 2008
08/10/08- Lecture-3

The Pharaonic Kingdom and the Nile

Fertile Crescent:
1.Early villages of foragers
2.Agriculture: dry farming
3.EarlyUrban Centers: Irrigation agriculture, full-time craft specialization

System of ‘nomes’:
(Greek nomos=district, province)
Villages, royal estates and small towns grouped together into regional administrative units under the control of a local governor.
Artbitrary divisions.

A= White Crown of Upper Egypt
B= Red Crown of Sais and Butto (Lower Egypt)
C= Combination Crown to signify rule over entire territory

Mesopt. And Egyptian Chronology (ca./B.C.)
Mesopotamian Chronology:
• Late Uruk Period 3300-3000
• Early Dynastic Period 2900-2300
Egyptian Chronology:
• Predynastic (c. 4650-3150)
• Early Dynastic Period 1+2 (3050-2686)
• Old Kingdom Dynasties 3-6 (c.2686-2181)

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