21 Ekim 2008 Salı

20/10/08- Ancient Greek Civilization

HIST 105 FALL 2008


1. Bronze-age civilizations
(2000 B.C- 12th century B.C. )

2. ‘The Dark Ages’
(12th century B.C.-8th century B.C.)

3. Classical Greek civilization
(8th century B.C- 4rd century B.C.)

3. Hellenistic world
(338 B.C.- 146 B.C.)

Emphasis on:
political system
connections with the Near East
commercial ties with the outside world

  • Centered on the island of Crete
  • Flourished especially around 17th century B.C.
  • Primarily a mercantile people

Lineal A

Goddess or priestess, Crete, 1600 B.C
  • Centered in southern Greece
  • Flourished especially between 1600-1200 B.C.
  • A militaristic society living in walled towns

The cultures of Minoans and Myceneans resembled other early civilizations of the Near East:
  • Developed urban life
  • Centralized and monarchical system of government
  • Large bureaucracies
  • Similarities in religion, and in art
‘The Dark Ages’ (12th- 8th centuries B.C.) :
  • Urban decline and depopulation
  • Fewer international contacts and less trade
  • Simpler state structure
  • No writing
  • Art with simpler designs
Statuette of a horse, 8th century B.C

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